Congratulations to our winners!
We had our raffle to raise funds for nonprofit Equine Safe Haven on Sunday Dec 17th at 3pm at the Chamber of Commerce's Holiday in the Park. A big success, and now winners can come collect their prize at SaddleHawk Ranch daily after 5pm or we can make arrangements with them for pick up. Thank you for your support to a great non profit!
The Full Story
The Raffle Benefiting Equine Safe Haven
We are helping to raise funds to support the programs under the non-profit Equine Safe Haven. Raffle Tickets are available now and thru December 16th online, and in person at the HOLIDAY IN THE PARK EVENT in Deming NM, up to the drawing on December 17th at 3pm

Equine Safe Haven has a dual mission which benefits the community, visitors, and guests at the Ranch. The nonprofit purchases Equines from a specific Texas kill pen. This is "kill pen" is a place that ships directly to Mexico to slaughter. Equine Safe Haven then rehabilitates and, repurposes those Equines into a program that teaches all ages horsemanship skills. For the community, visitors, and out of town guests, the non profit program teaches life-skills, leadership, fitness, healing & compassion, and also focuses on carriage driving skills that can be used by those that no longer ride, or have disabilities that would not allow them to ride otherwise. We benefit the community by providing a recreational outlet for economically disadvantaged persons of all ages.
We provide educational instruction in various equine activities and disciplines. Basic horsemanship, driving a carriage/buggy basics, and general horse care, all using our saved horses, mules and donkeys as teachers. These animals usually have over 10 years experience, highly trained, and still have much to give. They are deserving of a second chance. They provide this community of the Southwest much needed outlet, and healing potential for underprivileged, persons with disabilities, educational opportunities & endless smiles.
Holiday Raffle
This year we are having our annual raffle during all holiday events. Find one of our volunteers or our table/booth at one of the events. Each prize has been thoughtfully prepared by our volunteers, and sponsors. We will be raffling off baskets filled with items that you can use. As we obtain more donated items for the cause, they will be pictured here.
The purchase of your raffle ticket will go directly to raising funds for the non-profit Equine Safe Haven. You can find out all about Equine Safe Haven on their website: www.equinesafehaven.com